Feng Shui 101 - Lesson 2


Nearly all animals have an instinct to sense where danger lies. Most people can feel whether a place has good feng shui. When you go into a house and you feel at home, then this house must enjoy good feng shui. On the other hand some houses just give you the feeling of uneasiness and discomfort. Such houses have bad feng shui. Your intuition can tell.

Some people have stronger intuitive power than others. I know a lady whose profession is interior design. She is gifted to feel how the qi in a house flows. Real estate agents ask her to rearrange the furniture of a house that has been on the market for some time. After she makes the suggestions the house is sold within two weeks. According to her she has a 100% success record.

In ancient China there is a school of feng shui called the "Qi Watching School". To these masters qi can be "seen" (with an inner eye). Actually we all can do it with practice. It is more reliable than consulting a feng shui practitioner because nine out of ten are charlatans. Feng shui, after all, is only a combination of environmental studies, interior design, landscaping and town-planning. The sense of balance is most important. If feng shui deviates from beauty-seeking, it is not feng shui. In fact, when you get into a house and see weird objects like the Ba Gua mirror at the front door, flutes under a beam, a kitchen painted red, an abacus under the roof, I don't think you feel comfortable. These so called feng shui cures do not improve the feng shui of a house but rather destroys the harmony.

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